Tuesday, October 27, 2009


Some of the things I write about in my book: A Broad Abroad in Iran: One Strappy-Sandaled Foot Ahead of the Mullahs, are in this beautiful video that I found on youtube. As you read the book, these sights will come to life.

Persians say that their beautiful city of Isfahan is “half the world.” The 17th-century capital of the Safavids, Isfahan. Incredible bridges can be seen along with the world's biggest square: Naghsh-é Jahan, which was also built in the 17th century in the center of the city. The enormous open plaza is framed by a wall of arches and surrounded by two of the world's greatest mosques; The 17th century Masjed-é Sheikh Lotfollah and the Masjed-é Emam, or Shah, one of the most amazing sites in Iran. Both mosques are of magnificent architecture and covered in brilliant colors of ancient mosaic tiles.

I was so excited to find this video on youtube. It's been since the late 70s, at the start of the revolution, when last I saw these beautiful sights. Living in Isfahan during that period was both exciting and terrifying. I hope you enjoy the video.

Please feel free to leave me a "comment" on this blog, about your experiences in Iran; as an expatriate, or as an Iranian.Or, you can go to my website: www.dodiecross.com/Iran and click on "contact."

Friday, October 23, 2009


Attention Writers of the Geezer Generation!

The Internet? Of course, who doesn’t know about the World Wide Web of Wonder?

I just returned from a wonderful Pen Women’s Luncheon. The guest speaker was Denise Welch, President of NewMediaID, who spoke on the benefits of using social media tools in today’s marketing world. Of course, unless you’ve been living in a cave, you already know what the internet can do. Don’t you? I thought I did. But, wow, what I didn’t know about marketing would fill Wikipedia’s web-space.

How I wish I’d grown up in this techy age like my grandkids instead of in the 50s, when the most exciting thing for us to talk about was the newest Elvis recording. Don’t get me wrong, the 50s were the most idyllic decade since the invention of Preparation H. We didn’t have air conditioning or seat belts, or Iphones or PDAs, but we had a close connection with friends and family because we didn’t’ always have something crammed against our ear or keyboards at our fingertips…we did something more amazing: we talked face-to-face!

Which is something our prodigy can’t seem to do! Okay, so they can figure out the lift system of the Delta II rocket, but can they talk anymore? Why is it that when you call your grandkids you get: Uh-huh; nothin’; nope, cool, okay; yeah; bye. But watch them text and you think they’re writing the Magna Carte.

So, I guess if you want to communicate with the kidlets, you need to learn to twitter, text and all those techy things, but please don’t use the shorthand stuff: How I hate that stuff. I swear, none of them will know how to write a letter, or even a story, without TX, LOL, BTW and BFF.

So as life moves inexorably forward, we of the Geezer Generation need to move with it or get flattened by some new techy machine, or, hear your little snot-nosed, four-year-old grandkid say: “Grandma, here, let me do it. I’ll show you how.” I could just slap ‘em.

Okay, back to what I learned today: After all the “pay-for” marketing I’ve done, that it’s really all about Google and getting your key-words out there, blog like crazy, getting hits, and keeping current on your website, or “landing-page” as it’s now called by the techy generation.

So, let’s get with it, Geezers. Learn all you can while your brain still has some cells moving around, albeit on walkers. Put down the knitting, the quilting, and get off the rocker and get the word out about your great works. Just Do It:
Internet Market!

Anyone want to share how they made a difference in their sales on Internet Marketing?

Saturday, October 3, 2009


I’ve left the beautiful shores of Hawaii and returned to the real world. Well, real in the sense that I need to fly up to Washington State, take care of an ailing hubby, finish my Iran book, and try to find an agent/publisher who’s excited about this timely memoir.

I noticed on the flight home that I was having trouble reading my Kindle. I had it up to the largest font and still it was difficult. I had on my glasses, a light above me, and still it was difficult. My seat-mate seemed a little nervous as I leaned his way to get some light from the window. “Care to change seats?” he asked. Not really, I told him, I’d just take my eyes with me.

I was now more than concerned. What if the retina had grown another membrane since surgery? The doc did say it could return; in a week, in a month, or in a year, or…never.

On my last visit to the retina surgeon, I was 20/25, without correction. Now, wearing my cutesy Versace glasses, I am only at 20/40 and barely eking out the consonants. The vowels usually come easier because they’re more obvious, especially the As, Es, and Os.

I saw an ophthalmologist before I flew to Washington, who told me that there was a small membrane behind my new lens that was clouding up, and that it could be taken care of very easily. It was uncommon, he said, but it did happen, and with a YAG laser procedure they could zap it, put a hole in the membrane and it would clear up the opacification. Fine! How many more “uncommon” problems am I going to have with this body of mine?

Since I’ve returned from Hawaii, I’ve written about fifty more pages in my Iran book, but it’s been difficult. When I use my glasses, I have to lean back and it’s uncomfortable. When I take my glasses off, I have to sit with my nose touching the monitor, then lean back and try to read it.

I made an appointment to have this taken care of here in Washington, but when the ophthalmologist examined me, he felt it was too soon after the retinal surgery to be probing around in my eye, and suggested I wait about a month, which shouldn’t change things, he said.

Now I’m at my computer, dredging up all my memories of life in Iran, and need Windex to clean the nose prints off my monitor. However, the book is moving right along, my poor vision has not altered my memory’s vision, so here I go.

You can check the progress of my book: A Broad Abroad in Iran: One Strappy-Sandaled Foot Ahead of the Mullahs (during the revolution) on my website at dodiecross.com as I add a few chapters to whet your appetite. Click on the bottom of the page where it lists the book.